Sempena Sushi King Bonanza, kita featurekan makanan2 Jepun dan sushi... so far, Sushi King jer yang best...





Baby Octopus

Baby Octopus (without sushi rice)

Smoked Salmon

Scallops Sashimi

Eskrem Jepun

Ni la rupa... vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate

My colleagues yang join jalan2 cari sushi,
Rahayu Nordin (dah berenti dah, sedey...) dan Ayu Roslan
Me and Irma Mashadi...
My fave? Baby Octopus and Smoked Salmon... Delicious!!
sedap ke sushi? org ckp bnda tu mentah kn? xpenah makan pn.huhu
tak suma sushi mentah... ada yg dah masak...
hehehe... pernah kerja kat sushi king...
i know the prosedures...
but my fav. is the side of the scalops that have been "jeruk"kan...(chuka chimi) and the baby octopus (chuka idako) :P ngeee,,,, hmmm... u just gave me the idea of making a new tagged!!! hahahaha... :P
bigboy: i love baby octopus... dah pegi ke sushi king bonanza?
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