Went out for a quick getaway today. One lady colleague wanted to go eat somewhere fancy. It was a toss up between Chili's, Roadhouse Grill and Tony Roma's.
Lunch hour also meant lotsa traffic. Roadhouse Grill, being in Jalan Ampang and all, was not an obvious choice. That left us with KLCC and Pavilion. Somehow Pavilion won out.
When we were on route to Tony Roma's, she changed her mind again. Suddenly she craved for burgers. So we made a detour to the right to...

We passed by Speedy Videos and that reminded me of something I was in desperate need of...

Afterwards, we stopped by Speedy Videos, with one thing in mind. Unfortunately (or was it fortunately) I was distracted by a DVD in the display up front.

I've been looking for these for quite some time... um, for my nephew. He loves watching this. Ehehehhehe... I snatched up both seasons and proceeded to scour for the one I wanted... Can't wait to go home and pop this in the DVD player... for my nephew... :P
Finally I found it! I watched it a couple of nights ago and fell in love with the movie and songs. Am listening to the album now as I type. The CD disappeared though. Lucky I managed to rip em into MP3s and have uploaded em into Elsa and Sammy. It's now spinning in my colleague's PC.
Finally, You've got ur CD's!!! ngeh ngeh ngeh
best sgt cite nie..sgt suka...
Yes, awie, finally!!
Mel, citer mana yg best tu? :)
goshh stop already with the awie name thing.. haih...
but it's fuuuunnnnn....
Essentially on the East Coast of the USA there are "Hardee's" http://www.hardees.com/
and on the West Coast there are Carl's Jr. http://www.carlsjr.com/
Essentially the same restaurant with some regional differences in the menu....
I wonder what the differences are in Malaysia....
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