The stint at Midvalley allowed me to go numerous food joints that I would have been too busy to go to on a regular work day. After having lunch at the lower ground food court, I grabbed a few Big Apple Donuts on the way back to the Convention Centre.

Big Apple

Me in the checkered shirt waiting in line

The workers making the donuts

The donuts on display

The range

Specially designed donut box for CNY

The six I chose...

The cost
I think Big Apple and Jco Donuts are cousins... But Big Apple has the more exotic choices like Durian Cream... yummy...
yer... gua paling suka big apple... mau yang besar besar saja... xspcially Say Cheeseeeee.....gua leh telan 6 bijik sorang.. muahaha
jco donut is
jawa company donut...
from indonesia,, i am not sure but i believe big apple is local kot...
both tiru american style donut called krispie creame..
i guess durian creme is the only advantage big apple has over jco. other than that, both'd just be super duper sweet donuts with slight tinge of chocolate, strawberry or whatever.
and yea, supposedly both copied krispy kreme.
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