Dulu2 masa keje malam, selalu kitaorg kuar cari dinner tapi takleh jauh2 sebab keje... so cari punya cari, ada lar member ni rekemen restoran ni... dekat pun dekat la jugak...
Setting restoran dalam rumah banglo... menarik gak... restoran baru so cantik lagi... tema kaler ala2 merah/putih... menu Western mostly... tapi ada gak local cuisine...
Trio Dip Platter (RM12.90)... dip ada tiga... hummus, tzatziki dan satu lagi dip yg diperbuat drpd chickpeas... tzatziki ni Greek/Turkish cuisine... yoghurt, cucumber plus others... sedap gak...
BLT Salad (RM12.90)... best giler salad ni... siap ada poached egg lagi... delicious... cuma portions dia small size sket... other than that, perfect...
Not bad lar this restoran... price range from cheap to affordable... cheaper than Delicious I think... just as tasty, maybe more... next visit, wanna try the grilled patin... hoho
Address: No 5, Jalan Liew Weng Chee, Off Jalan Yap Kwan Seng,50450 Kuala Lumpur
Address: No 5, Jalan Liew Weng Chee, Off Jalan Yap Kwan Seng,50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel / Fax : 03-2161 6116
Email : admin@scrumptious.com.my
Twiter : ScrumptiousRest
this is actually my friend's restaurant. tp i xpernah g makan sana. pegi sana pun skali masa diaorg tgk renovate2 lg.
tell ur fren he/she did a good job with the restaurant... but the salad needs to have bigger portions / more leaves...
i had the spicy olio seafood spaghetti. sedap! i should have ordered the brwnies gak la..looks good tho!
p/s: i had nasi ayam steam chee meng dis afternoon. mmg steam la! haha
jom gi scrumptious lagi cik fira :)
mcm teringin la nak g mkn kat cnie
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